Café-Salon Philosophique #55
March 4, 2000
No. of Participants: 20
Evening's Topic: "Reality - Seeing What is Really There."
Samuel welcomed one and all to the evening's discussion. Group participants were asked to choose a topic of interest. Three topics came to mind, "Seeing what is real." "The absence of initiation rights." "Trust, who should you trust?"
The group decided to discuss,"Reality - Seeing what is really there." Damien began the conversation by stating, "Reality is a perception of the situation." "How do we see things?" "Reality is whatever you create. If we don't watch it, we may over-react and exaggerate the situation," he said. "Problems can be created where none exist."
"We all have different perspectives of what reality is," says Rae. "People see things differently, in different ways," Jeff added. "Take for instance reporting a phenomenon, or sighting of an incident. Every person will have a different perspective of what they have "seen" or "observed" in the situation."
"Reality is multi-dimensional." It is not just about the physical plane. There are other levels of consciousness, other worlds," he continued. "Most people focus on their "own little worlds" of reality, rather than looking at the overall, bigger picture."
We call this "the view from the boat." In the boat, we learn in life how to contain, confine, and restrict ourselves in various situations and places. In the boat, we are "busy" with the details of life. Here, we observe our emotional dramas which sometimes can lead to irrational thinking and sloppy doing. This is a subjective view.
There is also "the view from the helicopter" which is unlimited. From this objective perch, we can look beyond the physical body. Here, one can expand their way of thinking, move beyond physical limitations of the self, take in a clearer perspective of situations, and think creatively. Because this view is objective rather than subjective, one is more rational in their way of thinking and doing. Interest lies more for the good of all, rather than just for the individual.
If one can look at life's situations from these two views, (the boat and helicopter), they will find an integration occurring of one's seeing, thinking and acting on both the physical and mental planes.
Jeff the Scientist calls this "empirical reality." "There is objective and subjective phenomenon which affects reality. As the observer changes, so does the reality of how a certain phenomenon affects the reality. Empirical reality is guided by experience. Sensory input affects the data output," he added.
David says, "Whether we find reality through empirical or experential study, "one teaches the other." "The idea is to attempt to discover knowledge." One is actually learning about the other at the same time.
Sherif says, "Reality is a journey that must be made from the outside inward."
"We need to be like scientist and separate ourselves from the experiment." "Observing reality is objective - the view from the helicopter." "The idea though, is to move beyond objective and subjective realities." "We have to graduate "our own little worlds, you, me, it, she, them." Return back to the essence of our self - journey back inward. Linda says, "The accumulation of our experiences is what determines how we navigate through life."
Joy calls reality, "collective unconscious hallucinations." Hal says, "Science is made up of hallucinations and delusions." What are they looking for? Answers to what? "It is absolute nothingness." "They call it hypothesis and theories versus facts."
"Scientist see and think what they want," says Rae. "We are just a dot in space," says Samuel. "Reality isn't what it used to be," added Sherif.
"Objective reality you can pinpoint," says Linda. "There are human needs such as sleeping, eating, social constructs." Reality is "beliefs that you are living," says Claudia. Also, she asked, "Do we really see, what we are seeing? Is whatever relevant?" "I think it is how you listen and what you are hearing that is important," she concluded.
Sherif asked, "What is a dream?" "Dreams are different states of reality," said Jeff. "There are different degrees of reality." "I think dreams are things that you work out in your sleep," says Sherif. "Things that come up from the subsconsious." "Dreams are a deeper understanding of the physical."
"We still don't have a great understanding of our bodies," says Sherif. "Past civilizations used to apply their knowlege," said Beth.
Samuel commented, "people in the world today have an urge to explain phenomenon, to explain everything." What are we trying to understand? Why with words? Why not with the human body? Why not study the map that is within the body? Jeff agreed that we tend to over-explain things because we think this is "power." "We as a species have learned to think linear and to analyze things hypothetically. Knowledge comes from a conceptual science."
Joy and David believe science is heading towards "destroying itself." Sherif and Mike think, "we have lost knowledge." "We pretend to know, when we don't." "We use mechanical skills only." "We have lost our oneness with nature and the environment."
Samuel says, "We are losing our physical dexterity because we are moving towards using one finger only." We sit at computer screens and don't use the rest of our bodies. He recalls how his mother used to wash clothes with her hands. People were proud of what they did with their hands. Everything was done as if a fine craft. Now everything is mass production. "Knowledge of the human body" is thought to be how "fit" one can be from "working out" at fitness centers, through yoga and meditation.
Humans have not evolved to the point of being able to conceive total knowing. To have a total understanding of the human body. That is because they are too busy trying to "explain" everything.
Samuel says, "Knowledge is to know from experience without needing any explanations."
"Overexplanation is a powerful obstacle to knowing, being and living."
In essence, we don't need to explain or have approval of our actions from anyone on anything. "Applied knowledge is wisdom." With applied knowledge, one doesn't have to question, overexplain or talk too much. One has to decide if they want to live a life of pretense, fakeness, or superficiality. Sherif says "chewing on too much is a bunch of bull and can make us negative and pessimistic."
In order to know the true self, one must always come back to the self. In conclusion, Samuel left these questions for one to ponder over. "What would you do if you were given the proper tools to know thy self?" "Were you taught to know your self?"
Real maturity of being depends upon where one is in the stage of evolution. One must become an expert explorer towards discovering the self. One must dare to want to know the self. Remember, "Being explains the doing, not doing explains the being." Where are you? What is your reality? Are you actively seeking to discover your true self? Visit our website at: Maybe you will discover something there.
Our next Café discussion will be held March 18, 2000 at the Boulder Bookstore, 1107 Pearl St. in Boulder, CO. Start time is 6:30 p.m. Come with a new and interesting topic to discuss. Bring a friend!
Reported by Alessandra