Cafe-Salon Philosophique Guidelines
"In our Café-Philosophiqical gatherings, we will explore and dare to ask questions, in order to find out for ourselves some sense, and new ways to respond intelligently toward new realizations."
Samuel Avital, Boulder, Colorado, Sat., Nov. lst, 1997
The opening date of Café-Philosophique
1. Café-Philosophique is a gathering of people for the purpose of discussing and exploring philosophical questions and ideas together. We will dare to think, provoke, and air philosophical ideas, assumptions, thoughts and comments while focusing on the chosen topic for the evening. Mr. Samuel Avital will moderate and facilitate our discussions.
2. Our purpose is to create an atmosphere where every individual being is heard, and can speak freely without fear on the chosen topic of the evening.
3. Philosophical discussion is important and necessary in our daily lives, and does not just exist solely as a sterile academic endeavor. It is a means to provoke thought and lubricate the brain cells - An effective tool for curing the rampant disease of apathy in today's Society.
4. Our purpose is to create an atmosphere where every individual is heard and can speak freely on the topic of the day in a friendly, respectful and civilized manner.
5. Please respect the expression, agreement or disagreement of others and their ideas. Our purpose is to share collective wisdom and expand our talents in learning.
6. Please LISTEN! Do not interrupt another person while they are speaking. Feel free to ask questions to clarify the ideas being shared. We encourage you to stop from time to time to summarize the ideas being discussed.
7. Café-Salon Philosophique is NOT a psychotherapy session! Our purpose is to discuss in a civilized manner the topic at hand. Our personal events and history is NOT the focus of our exploration. Our guide is the "love of wisdom" and the respect of the "other."
8. Every participant is responsible for keeping the group focused on the topic.
9. If an author, thinker or other expert is referenced, as a courtesy to the group, please summarize the expert's main ideas.
10. If you have a specific topic to suggest for Café-Salon Philosophique, please submit it to Samuel for consideration. Thank you for participating in tonight's discussion. Please tell your friends about the existence of our philosophical gatherings.