Saturday, Jan 25th 2025

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Private Seminars


Moving Body and Mind

Discover the important 21st-Century Communication Tools
to expand your Happiness, Productivity and Well-Being.

BodySpeak™ improves your personal power and success skills to create a conscious and beneficial change in your life. Through ten basic sessions that will be specially designed for you by Samuel Avital, you will gain unbeatable advantages that will let you live the life you want, moving forward with your choices, being in control of your thoughts and actions, and claiming your own sovereignty with self-balance and elegance.

Engage 100% of yourself for a potent journey...
from Thought to Action
from Idea to Product
from Chaos to Order
from Weakness to Power
from Limitation to Freedom
from Mediocrity to Excellence
from Sleepwalking to Conscious Awakening

Private Consultations:
Private consultations are creatively oriented to identify the inconsistencies between your thoughts and actions, to restore your natural balance of being, and to align your natural expression, speech and movements.  These private sessions will teach you to more naturally express your self through movement and speech by developing your own philosophical view of the world.  You can also learn the Self-Evolution Cycle of BodySpeak.  Please contact the school for more information.

The Dare to Imagine Apprenticeship Program:
For those who can dare to imagine a future of self evolution, there is the BodySpeak™ Apprenticeship Program.  This program allows students to study BodySpeak™ more in depth and on an individualized level.  Learn to express powerfully not just through words but through the 90% of communication expressed through movement and body language.  Learn powerful tools critical for all actors and performers, as well as business-people, speakers, and anyone who needs to reach their audience clearly.  Dare beyond your creative edge.   Learn to align your speech, thought and actions for a new and powerful way of being.  Through this program you also learn the Self-Evolution Cycle of BodySpeak.  Please contact the school for more information.

Nine more advantages you will gain from BodySpeak™:

Learn to honestly and directly communicate with yourself and others without fear and intimidation.
Improve your success through self-discipline of the mind and body.
Dare to vanish shyness through proven theatrical techniques and skills
. Increase the effectiveness of your business through simple identification of self-defaults, learn to dump them, and take the inevitable road to self-fulfillment and happiness.
Activate the body/mind integrations and alignments through conscious thoughts and actions. Inject into your life the best in you with elegance and self-confidence.
Learn how a change of body posture affects your state of mind and vice versa. Realize your super happiness and develop your creative thought in action.
Understand your universe through honest effort. Guide your vision through integrated thinking. Claim your happy and productive presence.
Discover and apply your inner power to achieve in a short time what others take a lifetime to realize.
Condense your time activities through the "minimum movement, maximum expression" of BodySpeak™ - the secret of how to stop the constant war of mind/body double-talk.

BodySpeak™ is a transformative art, a method of capturing the essence of movement or a state of being by a powerful process of identification.

"Samuel brings awareness to the soul of people and gives the artists who work under his direction the need, dedication, and love for the world of silence and the beautiful art of movement."


- Marcel Marceau, BIP 1961

Contact us

Le Centre Du Silence
P.O. Box 745
Lafayette, CO 80026

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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About LCDS

LCDS is an independent school for self-discovery through the human Arts.  The school offers seminars and workshops teaching the concepts of Theater, Mime, and Movement.