Saturday, Feb 08th 2025

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BodySpeak™ Summer Mime Workshop

Discover the Connection

Between Movement and Mind

In Person - - Samuel Avital...


 Author, Performer, Artist, Teacher, Master Communicator and Creator of...


The Avital Method - Moving Body and Mind

The 49th International Summer Mime Workshop

A stimulating, fun, yet totally transformational,


that will enable you to use your body,
mind and life force more effectively.
Explore in-depth the practical principles of the BodySpeak™ discovery.

Special Notes: From our Le Centre du Silence Mime School, we are sad to announce that we are canceling our 2020 International Summer Mime Workshop in Boulder Colorado, and the Performances of the Boulder Mime Theatre.

I hope that from this dark cloud on this invisible virus we will emerge awake and ready for the new changes that will greet us for a new world, meanwhile while we are isolating ourselves, let us meditate and decide to restore ourselves, better our selves and characters to INCREASE KINDNESS to each other, as a preparation to be ready to adjust and adapt to the new changes of our new world.

Let us be the healing we need now by helping each other and contemplate on increasing our creativity and our humanity. Bon courage to you all who have supported this school in the past for over almost 50 yeas of our existence here by coming to study with us. And also to all our friends everywhere, be well, and I know the greatest goodness will emerge out of this passing dark cloud, such a tiny and invisible virus that does cause this planet to STOP AND CONSIDER, and be more present and attentive to ourselves and our immediate environment. Be well and heal fast, Thank you for being here. SA.


Information for Future Years Workshops:

Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

$895.00 per person. (There is a $250.00 deposit for space reservation)

Full payment (in US Dollars) must be made by June 8, 2019.

Discover how you can use the power of BodySpeak™ to improve your personal and professional relationships.

Take an adventurous step into the inspiring world of powerful communication.

Enrollment is limited.
Register early - E-mail now for reservations This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special sessions for your group or private work available upon request.

To participate in the upcoming classes, the application and agreement forms below have to be submitted.

You can e-mail them or print them out and mail or fax them.

Application Form and Workshop Agreement

BodySpeak™ - The Avital Method
Movement Arts Communication Workshop

BodySpeak™ teaches proven, practical techniques to unleash the creative power within you. Study and practice of ten basic principles will improve your communication skills in order to achieve integration of the mental, emotional, and physical factors of being.

You will learn how to allow your mind and body to speak and act in unison: how to be the author, director, and lead actor in your life. The BodySpeak™ workshop will gently provoke you to discover your unlimited possibilities beyond the creative edge.

You will also learn how to practice daily three powerfully integrative and essential exercises to enhance longevity and joie de vivre - "The Longevity Cycles." The Flexibility Cycle gently limbers and focuses all parts of the body. The Regenerative Cycle lubricates and regenerates your whole organism, and The Integrative Cycle balances and focuses the life force.

About Boulder, Colorado

Boulder, Colorado is a beautiful, cosmopolitan community nestled in the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains.

During your free time you can hike & camp in the nearby mountains or enjoy Boulder's many fine restaurants & active nightlife.

Boulder is an adventure of the heart that attracts and inspires musicians, actors, dancers and clowns from all over the world at various summer festivals.

Samuel Avital

Artist, performer, teacher and author, Avital is praised by his peers and students for his innovative approach to personal and professional creativity. He studied mime, dance and theatre in Paris with Etienne Decroux, Marcel Marceau and Jean-Louis Barrault. His solo show has toured Scandinavia, Europe, and North and South America.

In 1971, Avital founded Le Centre du Silence in Boulder, Colorado, to provide an atmosphere free of dogma, judgment and negative competition. There, he developed his unique method of teaching, and created BodySpeak™. The approach is based on a philosophy of total honesty, the integrity and creativity of the individual, and the knowledge that artistic perfection is possible.

Avital has also published, The BodySpeak™ Manual - Moving Body and Mind, Mime WorkBook, and Mime & Beyond. His video The Silent Outcry: The Life and Times of Samuel Avital is now available and may be ordered through Le Centre du Silence.

Here is what people are saying about BodySpeak™...

"Oh, Samuel, you are magic! I move totally differently. I am conscious about my behavior. The workshop has helped me stay more focused on what I want to do, how to relate to different people and to experience honesty in mind and body. BodySpeak™ techniques have helped me appreciate the bigger picture of what I want to do, to be and become"
Valentina Vargas, Actress, Hollywood, CA

"I gained a perspective on the artistic beauty that is inside me, and want to bring this artistic and creative self into relationship with others, and the world..The approach to using "the body" as a metaphor for relating to the world is a very sound approach to living."
David George, Boulder, CO

"Avital's work reaches beyond theatre arts, to explore the reality of physical embodiment. Practitioners of the somatic arts will find much of great value in his teaching, for deepening and expanding both vision and practical effectiveness in their work. I have worked with Samuel's classes and found that there are many parallels between the approach he teaches and that of Structural Integration."
Peter Melchior, Guild for Structural Integration, Inc., Boulder, CO

"I find Samuel Avital's work to be a delightful complement to the Feldenkrais® Method. I highly recommend this class to my friends and students."
Jack Heggie, The Boulder Center for The Feldenkrais® Method, Boulder, Colorado

" Samuel is an unusually talented artist who has made his way in the world through dedication, honesty and focused attention to his art... Don't miss this opportunity to work with one of the most inspired and magnetic teachers. "
Moni Yakim, Head of Movement Dept., Juilliard Drama Division, New York City

"Samuel brings awareness to the soul of people and gives the artists who work under his direction the need, dedication, and love for the world of silence and the beautiful art of movement."


- Marcel Marceau, BIP 1961

Contact us

Le Centre Du Silence
P.O. Box 745
Lafayette, CO 80026

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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About LCDS

LCDS is an independent school for self-discovery through the human Arts.  The school offers seminars and workshops teaching the concepts of Theater, Mime, and Movement.